Friday, January 21, 2011
It's Official!
Hey folks, just wanted to drop a note and let everyone know that the contract for Vengeful Bounty has been signed and delivered. It is official now--Mina's story is well on its way to being introduced to the masses! I'm really looking forward to collaborating with my editor on tightening up the story, and I plan on working my tush off getting all necessary revisions done so it can be in its Final Form a.s.a.p. It probably won't be the fastest process, but I'll keep everyone updated on our progress.
In the meantime, I'm finishing the last half of my women's fiction novel set in the fictional but fun small town of Lamppost, Texas. After that? Who knows! I have my new library all set up, and the inspirational vibes emanating from the bookshelves in front of me are keeping me going strong (thanks to my MIL for guiding me in the awesome complete makeover of my house). Hello, Anne Rice! *waves to her section on the top shelf* Hello, Stephen King! Hello, Dean Koontz! Hello, Kurt Vonnegut! Hello...
Yeah!! :)